Render Controller - Setup

System Variables

To access all features, you will need to add Blender and TexturePacker to your System Path. This allows the script to access background rendering functions in Blender (for batch rendering), and allows the script to control TexturePacker - to creating new files from command line.
TexturePacker Pro is needed to run TexturePacker processes

Adding Blender To Your System Path

This allows for background/batch rendering of multiple files.

Open the Environment Variable panel in Windows System Properties

Select Path in System Variables

Click Edit

Click New and add the path to your Blender install location as a new variable.

This will usually be something like C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Version#
If you have multiple installs of blender versions, the version folder selected will be the version used in the background for rendering.

Click OK to confirm the new variable, then Apply in the System Properties panel

Adding TexturePacker To Your System Path

This allows the script to run batched TexturePacker processes from the console without use of TexturePacker GUI

You will need a TexturePacker license to run TexturePacker processes.
If you do not have a license or do not intend to use TexturePacker, you can skip this step

Open TexturePacker GUI, navigate to "Install Command Line Tool"

This is the correct path, but the forward slashes should instead be backslashes

Back in your System Variables Path, Add this location (replacing '/' with '\') as new in the same way the Blender install location was added.

Click OK to confirm the new variable, then Apply in the System Properties panel